flotsam and jetsam
He would walk along the beach collecting the flotsam and jetsam that had been washed ashore.
flotsam and jetsam
works of art made from the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life
flotsam and jetsam
Camps were set up to shelter the flotsam and jetsam of the war.
But there was no suspicious heap lying grounded in the shallows, no flotsam or jetsam at all.
Carey bobbed like jetsam , always awkward even though Ellwood was swimming with the tide.
Elisabeth Valley is presenting a first solo exhibition by Sébastien De Ganay, whose paintings incorporate jetsam of various kinds.
Flotsam and jetsam of the universe.
It regarded them as mere jetsam , to be banished from the world like delinquents or the incorrigibly idle.
She liked to wonder how a particular piece of jetsam had got there.
Their wives, hand in hand, stepping carefully in expensive shoes over the summer's jetsam , brought up the rear.
There was, as Archie had promised, plenty of good kindling among the piled jetsam on the beach.