Mrs Mandela was jailed for six years on kidnapping and assault charges but released on bail pending a yet-to-be-heard appeal.
The same day, two men were accused of kidnapping five children and imprisoning them in a cave for two weeks.
Everyone assumed that it was the kidnapped child , and the remains were hastily cremated.
This custom ended suddenly when a witch took the opportunity to kidnap several of the children , who were never seen again.
He and his cloned cohorts kidnap children to steal their dreams, which turn into nightmares.
Though they were pardoned three years later by President Carlos Menem, they are again under house arrest charged with kidnapping children .
We thought they were going to try to kidnap one of our children .
He denied plotting to kidnap the girl .
Davis had just confessed to kidnapping and killing the girl .
A spokesman for the parallel government said that the two men had been kidnapped .
The same day, two men were accused of kidnapping five children and imprisoning them in a cave for two weeks.
The charges against Abu Bakr and 113 of his followers included murder , kidnapping and the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.
It is hardly in the same league as murder or kidnapping .
The formula includes the obvious, such as murder , rape, kidnapping , and so on.
Davis also faces three other special circumstances in connection with the murder charge: kidnapping , burglary and robbery.
H., was charged with murder and kidnapping Tuesday morning.
A number of foreign businessmen have been kidnapped and held for ransom in Manila.
Murder plots, for instance, and kidnapping schemes for giant ransoms .
One side kidnaps women over bungled drug deals, rapes other women, attacks shopkeepers and, occasionally, shoots the police.
The same day, two men were accused of kidnapping five children and imprisoning them in a cave for two weeks.
Officers arrested Celso Rodriguez, 31, and Rachel Mendoza, 38, accusing them of kidnapping and extortion.
Though they were pardoned three years later by President Carlos Menem, they are again under house arrest charged with kidnapping children.
Some are suspected but not yet charged with the kidnapping of high-tech executives, authorities said.
Brumley also could be charged with kidnapping , carjacking and gun violations.
H., was charged with murder and kidnapping Tuesday morning.
The agent was first charged with rape and kidnapping , according to Human Rights Watch.
Yuri Budanov has been charged with kidnapping and murdering Heda Kungayeva near the village of Tangi-Chu 11 months ago.
Yet this has been tried before: Hezbollah leaders have been killed and kidnapped and the guerrillas carried on.
Rolfe, of Broxbourne, denies threatening to kill and kidnapping Mrs Armsby, 45.
He was kidnapped by vigilantes in El Centro, beaten and robbed, and then set on fire.
Ten tourists were kidnapped by militants in a remote southern area.
Terrorists have kidnapped a French officer and are demanding $400,000 from the French government.
A spokesman for the parallel government said that the two men had been kidnapped.
Everyone assumed that it was the kidnapped child, and the remains were hastily cremated.
Hedayat Eslaminia was kidnapped from his Belmont apartment on July 30, 1984.
If you can, kidnap him!
The encounter ends with Robert incompetently kidnapping Celine.
Then we get back to the taxi, and there you are waving your weaponry, and kidnapping us.