Meaning of KINGDOM in English



the animal kingdom

the enormous diversity of the animal kingdom




It is clear, therefore, that the Frankish kingdom was not automatically divided between all the sons of the previous ruler.

There were ominous signs of crumbling in the heart of the Frankish kingdom assigned to Charles in 837.

In the heart of this early Frankish kingdom lay the region which, much later, was to be called Champagne.

St Boniface took it with him into the Frankish kingdom .

By no means all the conflict within the Frankish kingdom stemmed from the centre.

During his reign he added vast territories to the Frankish kingdom that he had inherited.


As it might be, the little kingdom which is Harry Kirkpatrick was subject to an insurrection, or rebellion.

This is no longer a time when little kingdoms need only worry about little concerns.

Will you sit tight in your little kingdom , and watch it crumbling all around you?

On the other hand, five boys in one huge farmhouse bedroom made for a self-regulating, self-sufficient little kingdom .


Throughout the imperial struggle and in his dealings with the separate kingdoms , Innocent used the weapon of excommunication.


It is probably anachronistic to imagine that Offa intended to create a single southern Anglo-Saxon kingdom under one ruler.

During Offa's first years as king the southern kingdoms were relatively stable.


Having just received the whole kingdom from him, they can't wait to get rid of him.

And that one problem was that there was no toilet paper fit for a king in the whole kingdom by the sea.



Hahnemann's original remedies were drawn from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms .

Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom , humans.

It is possible that the entire animal kingdom is the inevitable by-product of the process.

With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom , he overcame that considerable obstacle.

It ignores the obvious discriminations which we make between similar treatment of different species within the animal kingdom .

Upon the balance between them depends the enormous variety of societies seen in the animal kingdom .

They are the tanks of the animal kingdom , and they come in many forms.

The circles were full up, and therefore man was not a part of the animal kingdom at all.


Both operate in the animal kingdom but only genes operate in the plant kingdom.



The truck was blown to kingdom come.

His movements came within inches of blowing them all to kingdom come.

He nearly blew us all to kingdom come once ....


Ran means chaos, a state which reigns when the Warlord Nakadai divides his kingdom between three sons.

King Birendra enjoyed considerable popularity, which enabled him to paper over the cracks in his divided kingdom .


Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

He joked to her that he would like to solve the mystery, marry a princess, and inherit the kingdom .

Tristan expected to inherit the kingdom of his uncle, King Mark, in Cornwall.


The logical result of excommunication was deposition, for an excommunicate bishop or king could not rule a diocese or kingdom .

He and the princess lived a long and peaceful life, and Maddin ruled the kingdom after the sultan died.

But reason did not rule in this kingdom .

They lived happily until they died, and their children ruled the kingdom for generations to come.

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