Meaning of KNEW in English


knew what...hit (= realized what had happened )

He was gone before they knew what had hit them .


I (only) wish I knew

And I wish I knew why.

But being so weak seems wrong now too. I wish I knew judo.

Don't ask me what I do want. I wish I knew.

He was a sad person underneath. I wish I knew what he was so sad about.

I do know that it was because of an argument that he left. I wish I knew more.

I won't listen to you any more. I wish I knew what time it was.

Men clustered and chattered lively in groups. I wished I knew how to smoke.

Very grand. I wish I knew where it is now.

I never knew (that)

I never knew you played the guitar!

And I never knew he took my advice about Eliot so seriously.

As I once told you, I never knew where we were heading when I first drove out the Anacreonians.

But I never knew from one week to the next if there would be any money.

I sort of dabble my foot in it like it's a puddle. I never knew Marie was married.

I was brought up in a pit village near Bishop Auckland and I never knew my father.

Those men have to stand that over and over again. I never knew it was like that.

You and your father. I never knew two people more alike.

You said they stole your milk. I never knew what it was that messed him up.

the first I knew/heard

And yet these hills are the first I knew and loved.

It was the first I knew about it.

the next thing I/she etc knew

And the next thing I knew, I was here.

But the next thing she knew she was crying.

He slipped something in my wine and the next thing I knew was that we were on the Continent.

I fell asleep, and the next thing I knew, some one was waking me.

I had hardly dated, and the next thing I knew I was getting married.

I must have fallen asleep, for the next thing I knew I was woken by the ringing of the telephone.

I started to run and the next thing I knew I was lying on the kitchen table.

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