insect larvae (= young insects with soft bodies and no wings )
Fish love food such as worms and insect larvae.
First there are infective larvae which developed during the previous grazing season and have survived on pasture over winter.
Although the infective larvae can penetrate the skin, the infection rarely matures and there is no evidence as yet of transmammary infection.
Unprotected by a shell, they are easy meat for insect larvae and flatworms.
Both fish prefer live foods, such as worms, insect larvae and small fish.
Instead they have to consume foods such as shrimps, snails, algae and insect larvae .
In soft-bodied insect larvae , where the appendages are reduced or absent, locomotion occurs through quite different physical mechanisms.
In a planted pond the fish will find plenty of algae and insect larvae on which they can feed in order to survive.
Diet in the wild consists of snails, crustaceans and insect larvae .
For example, we might imagine a population of unpalatable, but cryptic, insect larvae .
Although their names make them sound like large predators, they are actually tiny insect larvae .
Live, disinfected Daphnia and mosquito larvae are popular.
The same was true for mealworm larvae , a species of butterfly, mosquito larvae, and milkweed-bug nymphs.
Flake is often refused and live foods such as Tubifex, Mosquito larvae , small earthworms, are needed to tempt them.
However, control by killing the mosquito larvae suffers from two main deficiencies.
Gnat and Mosquito larvae , including Bloodworms, can not be bred, as they are the young stages of flying insects.
They eat Tubifex, Daphnia, and mosquito larvae .
At higher temperatures, development is faster and the larvae are hyperactive, thus depleting their lipid reserves.
Escamoles are the larva and pupa stage of the red ant.
Growth is rapid, on a diet of tiny larvae, worms and relatives.
The eggs sit all winter, but don't turn to larvae until there's a rain.
The sea squirt larva is not the only filter-feeder with such a significant rod in its back.
There are three stages - larva , nymph and adult - each of which quite often feeds off a different host.
There will be larvae too, but these are small and go through the sieve.
This, at least, is some suggestion of a backbone, but the larva does not keep it for very long.