Meaning of LEARNT in English


And that granite obelisk is the Bunker Hill Monument which you will have learnt about in school.

By other forms of reproduction an image may be more or less degraded, so that nothing can be learnt from them.

Never an elitist, she wanted to democratise photographic practice, and share all she had learnt .

Once scornful of cable companies, telephone firms have learnt that they can be useful.

One of his owners was an alchemist, whose secrets he seems to have learnt .

Since then, much has been learnt about the structure and properties of proteins and about the active sites of enzymes.

We learnt a few lessons on how we could have improved it but we felt very pleased with it as our first attempt.

You learnt about yourself, too.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.