When governments refuse to legislate , as in Britain, sport's organisers dream up complicated schemes to prevent touting.
What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?
Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
By Enabling Laws the Reich stag empowered the government to legislate in the name of the Reich stag.
But, except by private or hybrid Bills, Parliament does not legislate for individual cases.
Indeed Parliament has legislated on matters affecting every aspect of our lives.
In the new Parliament , we will legislate to enforce and enhance these rights.
Political considerations may make it unlikely, even inconceivable that Parliament might legislate in a particular manner.
In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
Brussels has no power to legislate for us that we did not give it.
Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment do not limit state power to legislate on economic matters. 29.
In the United Kingdom the doctrine of legislative supremacy dictates that Parliament has power to legislate on constitutional matters.
Congress failed to legislate effective handgun controls.
Should parliament legislate against experiments on animals?
States are legislating stricter automobile safety measures for young children.
The government was under a lot of public pressure to legislate on equal pay.
Thomas Jefferson said that Britain had no right to legislate for its American colonies.
Clearly no government can legislate for such a wide array of circumstances, let alone attempt to enforce such legislation.
Governments will have to legislate eventually.
The alternative, and it might be effective, would be to legislate for two-tier supervisory boards.
This is legislating science at its most pernicious.
We have also legislated five times to transform industrial relations, returning power from militants to ordinary union members.
What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?