Meaning of LICE in English





How do I know if my child has head lice ?

So scratching the scalp is usually the first sign that a child has head lice .

How can I get rid of head lice ?

And head lice can cause other, more serious infections if they are left untreated.

What's the treatment for head lice ?

Keep a look out for head lice and treat if necessary.

What can I do to avoid catching head lice ?


All the children huddled under an old coat made of animal skins, which was full of lice .

Body lice and bacteria and fleas were dying by the billions.

Inside a decade it grew into a national organization with an affluent governing board and a Washington lobbying of lice .

Never before have I seen lice by the bushel.

Residual scenes from dreadful other memories play like lice inside veins I hardly dare look on as mine.

The insecticidal and bactericidal properties of aromatic plants helped ward off disease by killing air-borne bacteria and deterring fleas and lice .

The same Southern private wrote graphically of another problem he and his comrades had to contend with, that of body lice .

Tropical fish lice are sometimes found in fish tanks - higher temperatures kill native lice.

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