first lieutenant
flight lieutenant
second lieutenant
There was a-small desk beside a narrow bed and the young lieutenant , Benson, sat at it.
I opened the door as a young second lieutenant walked by.
Instead of Etienne, however, he saw a young lieutenant , barely out of his teens.
One 12-year-old boy arrived, claiming to be a lieutenant colonel .
She is a nice enough lady whose husband is a lieutenant colonel , U. S. Army, retired.
He found the lieutenant colonel , although only touching fifty, almost impossibly grand.
He landed at night, and was met at base ops by a lieutenant colonel .
He had been a lieutenant colonel in public relations in Baltimore.
Similarly, the army, when faced with a budget cut, never points the finger at desk-bound lieutenant colonels .
He had acquired an estate at Llanherne in Carmarthenshire and became a deputy lieutenant of that county in July 1674.
In 1623 he was deputy lieutenant in Cambridgeshire, and in 1625, a colonel of the Suffolk regiments defending the coasts.
He was a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and deputy lieutenant of the county.
In practice, most of them have previously been deputy lieutenants .
Named one of Parliament's deputy lieutenants in March 1642, his subsequent military record was undistinguished.
He was a justice of the peace, served as sheriff of the county, and became a deputy lieutenant in 1585.
He was a deputy lieutenant of Selkirkshire and an honorary sheriff substitute.
He also served as deputy lieutenant for the county of Essex.
Three years as a legislative liaison, six years in the state senate, four tedious years as lieutenant governor .
In 1982, at the age of thirty-seven, John Wade was elected lieutenant governor .
And contact with royalty gives the lord lieutenants real influence.
Admiral Bryson, an expert on guided weapons, was not of conventional lord lieutenant stock.
More than one lord lieutenant told me almost apologetically of the number of supplicants who sought his intervention with the democratically-chosen authorities.
Matheson was appointed lord lieutenant and sheriff principal of the county of Ross in 1866.
The responsibilities of the lord lieutenant for raising the militia only disappeared in 1921.
The lord lieutenants have used their association to act like any trade union, and lobbied for a government grant.
The other duty of the lord lieutenant under Elizabeth was the appointment of justices of the peace.
Viacom employees said they were surprised because they had no clues of any rift between Redstone and his top lieutenant .
In 1623 he was deputy lieutenant in Cambridgeshire, and in 1625, a colonel of the Suffolk regiments defending the coasts.
Lapointe had been shot, and there was no gun found on the other lieutenant , Lefevre.
Matheson was appointed lord lieutenant and sheriff principal of the county of Ross in 1866.
Rojas, 34, is reportedly a trusted lieutenant of Cerpa.
The lieutenant bucked like a horse.
The lieutenant snorted in disgust, and strode off around the room to bully his men.
Then you can tell the lieutenants that.
We parted with warm affection and I expect, someday, to hear he has been made a lieutenant .