Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings.
And what color was this linoleum floor ?
Flora blew her nose into the pristine handkerchief, scrunched it into a ball and threw it on to the linoleum floor .
Still, she'd have to clean up all the puddles of water dotted across the old linoleum floor .
There are accidents, naturally - I am reminded, as Rizla tried a sly wee on the linoleum floor .
I played imaginary checkers on the linoleum grid of the barbershop floor.
On the second flight, beige broadloom gives way to brown linoleum , bevelled mirror to beige gloss paint.
Only that cold linoleum under my feet was real right then, only that moment.
She had put her shoes back on and they made a hard noise against the linoleum .
She used Rosalind's flashlight to take her across the kitchen's frayed linoleum to the corridor.
The cement floor was covered by a worn brown linoleum .
The floors have carpeted squares with linoleum surrounds and the bedroom furniture is heavy and traditional, generally of dark wood.
There is sheet linoleum of some kind already there, glued to the plywood, 20 years old.