Meaning of LOGARITHM in English





For example, will calculate 2.5*2 by adding their natural logarithms and print the answer.

Expected values of birth weight for gestational age were obtained by regressing the natural logarithm of birth weight on gestational age.

The definition of price volatility is often taken as the variance of the natural logarithm of the daily price relatives.

For minute-to-minute data, they computed the natural logarithm of the variance of price changes for each day.

Spot and futures returns were computed as the natural logarithm of the daily price relatives.

Mispricings were defined as the natural logarithm of the actual futures price minus the natural logarithm of the no-arbitrage futures price.

All variables are defined as natural logarithms .


Expected values of birth weight for gestational age were obtained by regressing the natural logarithm of birth weight on gestational age.

For minute-to-minute data, they computed the natural logarithm of the variance of price changes for each day.

Hence, the use of the change in the logarithm of prices implicitly assumes that F t is the sum invested.

Like logarithms and Milton it was just another burden to be borne.

Mispricings were defined as the natural logarithm of the actual futures price minus the natural logarithm of the no-arbitrage futures price.

The change in the logarithm of prices has the advantage of being scale-independent.

The idea of logarithms is based on exponents.

Volume was measured as the logarithm of the number of futures contracts traded each day in the near contract.

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