Meaning of LOUDSPEAKER in English



Because treble frequencies are directional and bass frequencies are not, standing in front of a loudspeaker cabinet always gives a brighter sound.

Broadcasting via a system of street loudspeakers the radio is on the air for three hours each Sunday.

But there are differences, the most obvious being the loudspeakers.

Later that evening, however, loudspeaker vans cruised the town, announcing the election for Friday, the next day.

Mimicking candidates who campaigned with loudspeakers, I went outside every day and gathered neighborhood children and made speeches.

Only if the loudspeaker starts singing a new song will her soliciting start afresh.

Similarly, there are few restrictions on temporary use of loudspeakers, such as when messages are blasted intermittently from mobile vans.

So microphones and loudspeakers were installed.

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