Meaning of LYRICISM in English



Before he died from cancer in 1991, he had produced a mammoth body of beautiful work steeped in lyricism and romanticism.

Biscoe is a saxophone virtuoso of great lyricism , passion, stamina, and considerable versatility.

Bruno Bartoletti drew a skilled, nuanced performance from the Lyric orchestra, artfully balancing the harshness and lyricism of the score.

Despite its subject, Menzel adopts an apparently incongruous lyricism and humanity, and a delicate and underplayed comedy.

Her prose has always relied on a certain musicality and lyricism to seduce and keep us spellbound.

It is a film whose grace and lyricism have earned it the status of classic: something of real greatness.

Odd that the plucky, nervous goose has generated so much humor and lyricism 128 over the years.

There is a more humble and positive value attached to Morrissey's lyricism .

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