The larger the telescope, the more light it can collect, and the higher the magnification which can be employed.
I find it difficult with × 7, fairly easy with × 8.5 and very easy with any higher magnification .
And if ion-winds can also be detected from the stars, their vastly greater distances should give even higher magnifications .
Some joins. such as the fine solder work required for gold filigree and granulation, can not be seen even at high magnification .
But when the cross-section is viewed at high magnification , it becomes clear that different plating methods have been used.
The pair can just about be split with × 20, but certainly not with any lower magnification .
The whole of Centaurus is very rich, and well worth sweeping with a low magnification .
With × 20, but not with lower magnifications , I can see individual stars in it.
Very large peels or sections can be scanned at low magnifications .
It appears as a dim blur with low magnification , but with × 20 I can see individual stars in it.
With × 20 I have found that near maximum its colour is very clear, and it is detectable with lower magnifications .
High-power magnification is needed to see the crystals.
The mirror has triple magnification and a light.
A magnification or a diminution reveals the same pattern.
Best results are obtained with magnifications of × 10 or less.
Richman then took the tissues to an electron microscope, which offers powers of magnification great enough to see viruses themselves.
Scott and Andrew Forman rely on magnification and a computer to help them publish Connections.
The larger the telescope, the more light it can collect, and the higher the magnification which can be employed.
The names of the shops can be read -some with the naked eye, others only under magnification .
Users can control both magnification and contrast in seeing near as well as distant objects.
With a further approximate 250-fold magnification , we are presented with the spiral depicted in Fig. 3. 5.