Meaning of MARIJUANA in English





Meanwhile, medical marijuana and other drug policy reform initiatives have triumphed at the ballot 11 out of 12 times since 1996.

Board President Mike Nevin supports the use of medical marijuana but goes even further than backing its distribution through dispensaries.

Two statewide polls say Californians favor the medical use of marijuana .

Lungren was strongly opposed to the legalization of medical marijuana .

Supervisors in San Mateo and Marin counties have discussed ways in which medical marijuana might be distributed to residents.

Nevin suggested that hospices could distribute the medical marijuana to hospice patients who were too ill to leave their homes.



He has been similarly evasive in answering questions about his marital fidelity and marijuana use .

Cocaine and marijuana use registered similar steep declines after marriage.



A small number of competitors at those Games were found to have smoked marijuana recently.

He was arrested after officers found a bag of marijuana on the floorboard.


You can't grow pukka skunk because marijuana needs between six and 12 weeks of 12-hour nights to flower.

Up to 1,000 farmers grow marijuana in this inhospitable and remote landscape.


Tell us what you think about interracial dating, legalizing marijuana , who killed Kennedy.

Daly also battled for legalized marijuana for medical use.


To make more money I sold marijuana .

Mr Emery reopened his store one day after his arrest, and said he will sell marijuana seeds by mail order.


You're not relaxed if you've got a problem ... I smoke a cigarette or marijuana to soothe.

But there are no major studies that meet scientific criteria about the comparative medicinal benefits of smoked marijuana .

A small number of competitors at those Games were found to have smoked marijuana recently.

By age 9, he was smoking marijuana regularly.

Everyone she knew smoked marijuana , and many tried hallucinogens, too.

Forty-eight employees of the installation were fired for having smoked marijuana on occasion.

You could never smoke marijuana in our house.

She was depressed, she said, recovering from a failed relationship and smoking too much marijuana .


A certificate would be defense against marijuana possession charges.

A San Francisco Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the sale or storage of marijuana at the club.

But Bolshunov said Wednesday that Tobin might also be charged with distributing marijuana .

Hopkins, during the later months of 1967 was being visited, rather than visiting, after his marijuana conviction.

Meanwhile, the administration wants to arrest doctors who approve marijuana for their patients.

Nevin said the marijuana could be obtained at no government cost after it is used as evidence in criminal trials.

Tea and marijuana are in themselves fairly harmless, yet tea is generally legal and marijuana not.

Up to 1,000 farmers grow marijuana in this inhospitable and remote landscape.

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