I. noun
Her manner suddenly changed from friendliness and warmth to one of faint menace .
His eyes blazed with menace .
His voice was soft but his tone and expression were full of menace .
A menace from the dead girl hung over her father in this hour of triumph.
Despite all the menace , nobody dies.
He heard himself chuckling, but the sound was rich with contempt and menace .
He was the first to identify drugs as the number one menace to domestic security.
The dailies pictured Azusa Street in tones of amusement or menace .
They would depart in the spring, to avoid the malarial menace of the later seasons.
Tuami and his people have escaped from the perceived menace of Neanderthal man, whose humanity they do not recognise.
You can not build a fair system on that stinking swamp of menace and malice and neglect.
II. verb
Circuits in computers and other control instrumentation can likewise act as unintended receivers, menacing the operation of whole manufacturing plants.
She was afraid to move; on all sides she was menaced by the half-open doors of empty rooms.
The mask made him seem menacing, and she suddenly had the sensation that with Lucenzo she was playing with fire.
The whole community has been living in fear for far too long, menaced equally by both sets of paramilitaries.