Firstly, it depicted the life of a mentally handicapped person as being unrewarding, unstimulating and confined.
In addition 3,000 mentally handicapped and 200,000 mentally ill people were seen as new out-patients that year.
In addition there were another 550 schools for physically handicapped pupils which would include some mentally handicapped pupils who are also physically handicapped.
She was a single parent and had a nine-year-old son, Darren, who was in a home for mentally handicapped children.
The chances of having a severely mentally handicapped child are one in 200.
The numbers of people in mentally handicapped hospitals rose sharply from around 5,000 in 1918 to 50,000 by 1940.
This type of primary prevention is clearly welcomed by all involved with mentally handicapped people and the public at large.
Wherever possible, mentally handicapped children should attend normal schools, and thousands of mildly handicapped children do so.