Meaning of MIDPOINT in English



By the midpoint of the twentieth century, the economy had begun to improve.

The beach is about a mile long; at its midpoint are a snack bar and restrooms.

The Redskins and the Giants were the leaders as the midpoint in the season drew near.


A straight, uniform and finite line has symmetry about its midpoint .

At the midpoint of the session, the activity changes.

At the midpoint of the study all interviewers were seen in small groups for a psychological debriefing.

The first started deep in South Los Angeles and caught me at midpoint .

These numbers are surprisingly low, no junction had a mean accident or risk rating above the midpoint of the scale.

They wanted to ponder a season that has only reached its midpoint .

This is the exact midpoint of the performance, the moment of moments.

We will see how the mummies occupied the midpoint of the most important overland trade route in Eurasian history.

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