Meaning of MINERALOGY in English



Detrital sediments are subdivided on the basis of grain size and mineralogy .

He retained an interest in mineralogy and served as president of the Mineralogical Society 1888-91.

He studied mineralogy at Freiburg after some practical mining experience in Cornwall and Lancashire.

In the same way, the earmarks of igneous rocks are their mineralogy , textures, and structures.

Much of her work was in microscopic petrology and mineralogy , interests which she had developed when training under Bonney.

Sedimentary rocks are identified as such mainly by their stratification, but also by their mineralogy and texture.

She studied botany, taking the honours examinations as a private student, and also geology and mineralogy .

Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals.

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