Meaning of MITRE in English



Both lengths are fixed in the normal manner, the longer one first, and the mitre made good with adhesive.

On the way to the tomb there are some mementoes of the great man, a crucifix staff and a mitre .

Pin in place and stitch the folds of the mitre with a drawstitch and hem or slipstitch the remainder of the hem.

She was dressed in black gauze and held a strobe light aloft like a mitre .

Simply cut the appropriate external mitre on a length of cove then cut it off square.

The Bishop took off his mitre and handed it to an adjacent altar-boy.

There was what may have been a bishop's mitre on the skull, which grinned amiably up at us.

Your intended frame may have a broken mitre , or a missing section of decorative moulding.

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