Now he enjoys the popularity that being the worlds oldest benedictine monk brings.
He was in his mid-thirties, tall and thin, with searching eyes and hair cropped like a Buddhist monk .
He shaved his head and donned the saffron robes of a Buddhist monk to proselytize in the temples.
Any proposals to grant rights to the Tamils have to get the prior approval of Buddhist monks .
Thousands of Buddhist monks were executed and their monasteries closed.
A Buddhist monk offered prayers for their health and happiness in contrast to the royal couple's general downcast attitude.
In August 1990 two Buddhist monks were shot dead by soldiers at an anti-government demonstration in Mandalay.
The order of Buddhist monks and nuns has a reasonable claim, having been established during the Buddha's lifetime.
Industrious Buddhist monks laid out gardens everywhere full of abstract patterns that preceded Picasso by centuries.
The Cistercian monks with their lay brothers administered the abbey wool trade.
As Eadmer reported, there was nothing more precious to the older monks than the recollection of the saints and their miracles.
There they chanced on the ruins of a temple, where among the broken walls an old monk had established his hermitage.
Third, his sympathy for the traditions of the old Canterbury monks .
The allegations of indecency concern a complaint by a 17 year old trainee monk .
Now he enjoys the popularity that being the worlds oldest benedictine monk brings.
It's understood that allegations of indecency were made by a 17 year old trainee monk in Brixton.
The idea of becoming a monk vanished from Ramsey's heart.
John then became a monk and built his own monastery in Vallombrosa, from the wood of a nearby forest.
In 737 Ceolwulf abdicated and was tonsured, apparently this time at his own request, to become a monk on Lindisfarne.
He left the battle against the Mercians to become a monk .
On 24 September he went into retreat at Mirfield in Yorkshire, where once he thought of becoming a monk .
Father Francis McLachlan first became a monk in 1924.
Only a person of non-servile status might be ordained a clerk or become a monk or nun.
Saint Columban himself, after becoming a monk , lived and studied with a bard in Leinster.
The monks who worship and live here are allowed to do almost anything a holy man is not supposed to do.
Ivan founded a monastery at Cetinje, and it was from the monks who lived there that the orthodox bishops were chosen.
And the next thing he remembered was the minibus stopping and the monks helping him into it.
Benedict and lived all his days as a devout monk .
But at least there were no monks in there praying either.
Each monk received good clothing, although bathing took place only irregularly unless they were ill.
The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
The warrior monks, they were known as.
This was a panel showing a sturdy bald monk leering at a geisha.
Throughout the centuries, the monks of Clonmacnoise had suffered from raiders sailing up the Shannon to plunder the monastic city.