Avoid the monsoon season between May and August.
It was the monsoon season , too.
In Assam four weeks of rain, ahead of the monsoon season , have devastated huge areas, making 5m people homeless.
Seattle has enjoyed a sun-splashed monsoon season for the second straight year, and temperatures topped 50 F on Wednesday.
During the monsoon season , you were just all wet all the time.
No moisture is expected until the mid-July monsoon season , if it comes this year.
It was funny when you first got into the monsoon season and it started raining.
Consumer companies generally deploy vans year-round, except for three months during the monsoon season .
But then, during the monsoon of 1661, she made her fatal mistake.
But trips home for Arizona firefighters this summer promise to be as rare as a monsoon rain on Memorial Day.
During our interview, a monsoon rain was drenching his small, 1920s house in Sam Hughes.
No tropical monsoon could stop them.
Snow was falling as steadily as the apricot blossom in the first monsoon storm.
The monsoon rains broke early that year and with exceptional force.
The former is extremely sensitive to orbital parameters, whereas the latter depends greatly on the nature of monsoons.
This was the end of the wet season, and he sheltered in doorways from the brief storms of the northeast monsoon .