Meaning of MOSAIC in English





To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.

Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.

To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final.


Eric Hahn will replace Marc Andreessen, the 26-year-old wonder boy who helped to write the Mosaic browser.

Kathleen Kinder has written a book on Mosaic Knitting which is a particular form of striped slip.

Spyglass, of Naperville, Ill., is best known for its Mosaic browser software for the Internet.

Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.

The pillars are no exception to the general style. Mosaic pictures cover every inch of wall.

To interpret his significance they turned to the Hebrew sacred books, the Mosaic law as well as the prophetic writings.

To many of them it seemed abhorrent to suggest that the Mosaic law was other than final.

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