Meaning of MOTEL in English





They rub each other up the wrong way, and yet end up having a raunchy scene in a motel room .

In real life, Selena ran out of that motel room with a bullet wound, and bled to death.

Sam leaves Tony to guard the civilians in the motel room .

It may be a cabin in the woods or a motel room that you rent at the beach.

Sam is outside the motel room with two colleagues now.

Strange, so in my motel room I pick up the phone book and call one, just to see what happens.

I only half-facetiously suggest that we get a motel room on this side of town for the night.

In the process, he alienated his wife and kids and began living in a motel room .


He drops me off downwind of the motel .

I have nothing to do with the motel .

I walk along the side of the motel scratching myself on the pebble dash, for carelessness.

My grandparents stayed at a nearby motel and visited daily, along with my father.

Others stay in a nearby motel .

Participants camp under the stars, except for one night in a motel .

They brought them back to the motel .

To my amazement, although the motel is full judging by the amount of cars, there are no residents on view.

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