Meaning of NEON in English





She had only known one man, a moronic battle in neon light .

Even though it was a summer afternoon, the foyer was drenched in a harsh, white neon light .

Once she stuffed her diaphragm into one of my neon lights , breaking it, shattering it.

A spillage of lurid neon light , yellow and orange, dribbled from the windowsill to the floor.

Mrs T finds that a particular type of neon light upsets her balance.

Go to the right places and there will be a big railway station or a billboard full of flickering neon lights .

For those unmoved, the Ferris wheel spun its neon lights and the shooting galleries popped.


A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans.

The other neon sign which surmounted the Parliament building, a huge red star, has recently been removed.

The hotel neon sign lights up our faces.

Alix was out front of the premises poking a flickering neon sign with a length of plastic tubing.

A million neon signs push the delicacy of the pink twilight into a dull haze.

Perhaps she'd find a flashing neon sign to stick in the parson's nose.

The neon sign made little clicks as it changed colour.

She might just as well have stuck a neon sign on her head, inviting him to make love to her.


But not drunk enough. crilly My North London flat is filled with neon .

Dancing black girls writhing under the twinkling neon of a pizzeria.

Physical trapping is likely to be about as effective for neon , argon and krypton.

The downtown Dallas skyline is accented in green and blue and red neon .

The other neon sign which surmounted the Parliament building, a huge red star, has recently been removed.

The public reception area, a strange mixture of green neon and granite, is awash with the sound of running water.

With only 6000 years of life left the temperature rockets to 620 million degrees, to convert carbon into neon .

You see it in the neon strips that colour the city, the flashing lights on every corner.

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