They increased their number of synapses per cortical neuron by 80 percent.
Some cortical neurons prefer horizontal white lines; others respond best to vertical ones.
Of course, another group of cortical neurons become active at that point.
The fourth-layer cortical neurons receiving that thalamic input send most of their outputs up to the second and third layers of cortex.
Still other cortical neurons seem to like edges, such as a sky-sea boundary.
In any event, relatively few cortical neurons are lost after reaching adulthood.
An average cortical neuron has an axon with perhaps 10, 000 side branches.
In muscles where motor neuron contact is delayed, gluR clustering at neuromuscular contact sites is similarly delayed.
The brain has sensory receptors for input and motor neurons for output.
There are three classes of sensory neurons which respond to three different classes of objects.
Rather, the axons of the sensory neurons carry impulses back into the spinal cord.
The nervous control of the gill withdrawal reflex is a simple unit of one sensory neuron and one motor neuron.
When the sensory neuron is stimulated, it fires the motor neuron, and the siphon and gills are withdrawn.
And a stroke that suddenly killed perhaps 30 percent of the neurons in the motor strip would also cause paralysis.
First, I can't see that neurons have anything special going for them that silicon doesn't.
In some geniculate neurons, the center-surround organization simply disappears.
Long-term memories probably are fixed in some structural change in neurons, such as synapse size.
Studies of the finer detail show that each major zone includes several types of neurons and a great variety of nervous connections.
The second is that these neurons must not be involved in any other task.
The traffic of ions into and out of neurons underlies their capacity to generate and transmit electrical signals.
To anticipate something to come in this inquiry, an ordinary definition of the neuron is an example.