Meaning of NEWBORN in English



a newborn baby

There’s plenty of help and advice for people with newborn babies.

a newborn child

He was holding the newborn child in his arms.

a newborn infant

Newborn infants only a few hours old can distinguish between different voices.




Within moments of our first encounter, he has whipped out a Photo-Me booth shot of his newborn baby daughter.

No one expects a newborn baby to go out and get a job before learning the basic life skills and getting schooling.

It wouldn't have mattered if Sandoz had been as pure as a newborn baby here, John thought.

I could beat any newborn baby in the world crying.

She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby .

With the smoothest stroke in the game and his newborn baby at home, this was easy labor for Tim Legler.

How does one recognise pain in a newborn baby to whom one can not speak?

In 1987 our newborn baby died.


One example might be where a newborn child developed an infection requiring special care, but recovered in a few days.

The newborn child can suffer from physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms or even serious birth defects.


What are the factors that result in either early or delayed feelings of love for a newborn infant ?

Further studies are needed to validate the suggested criteria for newborn infants .

The 2-year-old is cognitively and affectively different from the newborn infant .

Retractions were sensitive but not specific, and grunting was not significantly associated with hypoxaemia in these newborn infants .


Joseph and Mary with their newborn son lying in a manger.

Under a window lay our newborn son crowned by a spectrum, the seven strands of vision.


Newborn infants spend a lot of time sleeping.

Newborn kittens cannot open their eyes.

a mother sheep with her newborn lamb

Relatives and friends all wanted to see the newborn baby.

The average weight of a newborn baby is about seven pounds.


Arjun was shoved on to the camel with the sick and newborn lambs.

But all that toing-and-froing would endanger newborn piglets, and Baxter knew no farmer would accept increased losses.

Further studies are needed to validate the suggested criteria for newborn infants.

It must not be assumed that the absence of a 24-hour rhythm in newborn babies means that they have no rhythms at all.

It wouldn't have mattered if Sandoz had been as pure as a newborn baby here, John thought.

My ears, everyone must have noticed, were almost two times as big as my little newborn face.

Usually when the woman had her children she would take the newborn back to her parents home, sometimes for months.

What are the factors that result in either early or delayed feelings of love for a newborn infant?

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