Meaning of NON-TRADITIONAL in English



Although, as money runs out, the cost-effectiveness of non-traditional classes comes under greater scrutiny.

Audrey aspires to goals in both traditional and non-traditional domains but succeeds in the traditional domain only.

Question Seven: Are women and men shown in a variety of occupations, including non-traditional ones?

She said the newer, non-traditional flags outsell country and state flags by more than 50 percent.

Some of that is changing as more women move into non-traditional fields.

The same Exeter University study found that four of the 10 farms it looked at were making losses on their non-traditional businesses.

This growth he put down to the general improvement in bookshop presentation and the wider availability of books in non-traditional outlets.

Within it there is some discussion of the relative performance of students with traditional and non-traditional qualifications.

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