Meaning of OFF-PEAK in English



At off-peak times senior citizens can use the sports centre at reduced rates.

Take advantage of off-peak reductions for package holidays.

Work on the highway will be done only during off-peak hours.


Check whether an off-peak electric storage heater or a gas fire might be better choice.

Consumers can benefit because the heaters then use more of the cheaper off-peak electricity, and less of the expensive kind.

During the summer off-peak months a proportion of gas is fed into storage units above and below ground.

It's not expensive if you couple it to an off-peak Economy Seven meter.

Many do not take full advantage of the various daytime, night and off-peak tariffs on offer from their electricity company.

Peak-hour trams will run every six minutes, with off-peak services every 12 minutes.

Public opinion sometimes erroneously accuses the partly empty, off-peak buses of being run inefficiently.

Youngsters and the unemployed will be given 250 hours of free community use at off-peak times.

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