Meaning of OMINOUS in English



a bad/ominous sign

The jury was taking ages to make up its mind, which he felt was probably a bad sign.

an ominous silence (= one that makes you feel that something bad is going to happen )

‘How long will she be ill?’ There was a short, ominous silence.




For others, the turn of the generations will have a more ominous feel.

However, in the past week, a new and more ominous sign of trouble has appeared: the water is rusty.

A silent, evil place, becoming more ominous the deeper they went.

Though less celebrated than Dolly, the birth of Polly is far more ominous .

Yet in many ways it was more ominous in 1946.

The second hypothesis is more ominous .

Tillman suggested they were looking at a way of life, nothing more ominous than that.



There had been an ominous sign .

However, in the past week, a new and more ominous sign of trouble has appeared: the water is rusty.

There were ominous signs of crumbling in the heart of the Frankish kingdom assigned to Charles in 837.

What information has been gathered contains some subtle but ominous signs .

The rising was suppressed, but it was an ominous sign .

An ominous sign ... or were they just afraid to admit supporting a rebel?


An ominous silence .. now intervened...

There is a deep, ominous silence .

But the first few readings he had assigned had produced an ominous silence .


Another wave crashed onto the deck and the mast made an ominous creaking sound.

Katy answered the phone. There was an ominous silence.

My manager asked for an appointment at nine o'clock on a Monday morning: it sounded ominous .

There was an ominous silence in the room.


A sequence played amid a storm exudes the right air of ominous foreboding.

I felt as if something ominous was happening even as I sat there watching him.

It is an ominous metaphor, though.

No one had taken up Sylvian's work, despite the ominous ruler and ink.

Rumblings that the election might be postponed once again have grown after a series of ominous events in recent weeks.

So was it ever thus, history the source of ominous portent, further nourishing Bobby Robson's anxiety?

The music moves from ominous grooves to all-out instrumental pummeling of the listener -- all in the same piece.

The Straits Times, the government-controlled newspaper, reported the loss in dark, ominous headlines, heavy with foreboding.

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