Meaning of OPPRESSED in English





The potential for other oppressed groups to be autonomously organized also put pressure on the Union to question its structures and attitudes.

The 1960s and 1970s had seen the emergence of a number of social movements among oppressed groups .

It means that women should seize communication power for their own emancipation and the liberation of all oppressed groups .

The same can be said for working-class, black and other oppressed groups .

Mannheim argues that such ideologies are usually found in oppressed groups whose members want radical change.


Gerry: It's really strange how the special interest groups of oppressed people came into existence.

A new response is growing from women theologians and from radicals seeking liberation for many oppressed people .

For 30 years, Niyogi fought for the social and economic improvement of oppressed people .


Gerry: It's really strange how the special interest groups of oppressed people came into existence.

He's an oppressed worker doing a horrible job.

It is usually associated with oppressed minorities.

It means that women should seize communication power for their own emancipation and the liberation of all oppressed groups.

Mannheim argues that such ideologies are usually found in oppressed groups whose members want radical change.

She has welcomed the oppressed and disowned of the world to this paranoiac dreamscape for nearly a hundred years.

The potential for other oppressed groups to be autonomously organized also put pressure on the Union to question its structures and attitudes.

They were no longer the oppressed , wretched teen menials who must take orders, toe the line.

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