Meaning of ORCHID in English





Some rare plants such as orchids are found here.

We collected them like rare orchids , gleefully sharing our latest acquisitions and discoveries.

Foxes fiddled in the thickets. Rare orchids bloomed unseen and the wind came always from the east.


Bird species are numerous as are rare flowers which include wild orchids .

The large numbers of wild orchids being traded threatens some species with extinction.

I'd get wild orchids for the garden, I told Mrs Goreng, knowing some had grown near Rosa's.


Bill got the orchid bug from an old neighbour who encouraged him to to start breeding the plants.

On the cliff top, marsh orchids, pink and lush, clustered in damp hollows.

She was drawn to the orchid display by the Three Rivers Orchid Society.

The Nashs have four hundred orchids ... but just sixty are considered ready for exhibiting.

The white casket was covered with a spray of irises, orchids and apricot-colored roses.

There were salamanders and orchids of endangered varieties.

This is a site of national importance for its variety of wold flowers, including many species of orchid .

With deliberation, I pulled up all my orchids and threw them, strewn with crumbs of earth, into the wheel-barrow.

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