Meaning of OUTSIDER in English





A former Agrarian Reform Secretary, who campaigned as a political outsider .

He is a political outsider , while Dole has been in Washington for 35 years.

From the outset, Mrs Thatcher had the sense of being a political outsider .

And he could no longer present himself as a political outsider .

He lied when he ran for governor on the platform of being a successful businessman and political outsider .


So I went to Ladbrokes and picked two rank outsiders and put some money on them and left.

Last year he started as a rank outsider for the title.

Though ridden by Graham McCourt, then third in the jump jockeys' table, Norton's Coin was a rank outsider .



Education is being pushed more towards being an instrument of national policy, or so it would appear to an outsider .


To cross them was to break tradition, to sever one's links and become an outsider .

The babies became outsiders like Frankenstein's creation became an outsider when he was rejected.

Shift the context and the same men become insiders as opposed to outsiders such as catholics and, presumably, even castle catholics.


That made me feel a bit of an outsider .

Thus, whether one feels like an outsider or an insider, the story can be equally enchanting.

Others feel outsiders are scuppering their chance of the bypass they have long wanted.

They came from growing up always feeling he was an outsider and an outcast.

Here he had always felt an outsider .

Students do not need to be victims of racism, sexism, religious discrimination, or homophobia to feel like outsiders .

Masha Cohen had always felt an outsider , vis-á-vis her more Westernised sisters-in-law.

I always felt like an outsider around kids who did.


It can hold couples together in a way that may seem to the outsider against all reason.

What seems clear to an outsider , however, is that in the Fouassis family survival seemed a precarious business.

That's how it seemed to the mystified outsider .

And the tenure of conductors, as of managers, can end in tears for reasons that seem incomprehensible to outsiders .

The boom in dating services might seem odd to outsiders .


An outsider , for example someone from another school district, should evaluate the teachers.

He started as a no-hoper -- a rank outsider for the title.

Italian residents don't like to discuss the matter with outsiders.

Smith, a little-known outsider with limited political experience, came from behind to score a surprise victory.

The defending champion was beaten by an outsider in the first round.

The university library is closed to outsiders.

They've treated us like outsiders ever since we moved in.

To outsiders, these ideological battles seem completely pointless.

We don't want outsiders getting involved in our local politics.

Why do they bring in outsiders to tell us how to run the business?


Here he had always felt an outsider .

It means coming to a new country, always being the outsider , always having to adjust.

They are often abandoned and eager for contact with outsiders.

They were outsiders, too, and he determined he would stand by them as long as he could.

This process has included verbal denigration as well as cruel and unusual treatment of those who are traditionally perceived as outsiders.

To the outsider , the civilian, beat work was directed at controlling the street population.

Whatever the truth, it is always convenient to blame outsiders for creating trouble.

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