Meaning of OVERBOARD in English



washed overboard (= pushed from a boat into the sea by the force of the water )

The young man was washed overboard in the storm.




And what happened, that a girl should fall overboard ?

They are not allowed out of this dark passage, in case they fall overboard .


I decided to go overboard with processors and connected three digital multi-effects units and a mono delay.

My problem is, I have a tendency to go overboard with compliments.

They were to stay on the alert for any soldier unlucky enough to go overboard .

Although Levin sometimes goes overboard with jokes, his breezy, slightly irreverent tone is a welcome one.

Then more cans of the gas, so carefully loaded the day before, went overboard .

You are demonstrating to them how to recognize, name and communicate their feelings without going overboard .

Gifford had gone overboard a bit in the blues though ... For some reason this thought made Edwin chuckle to himself.


A Soviet kitchen hand, hit on the head and thrown overboard .

Then we had thrown overboard everything that was biodegradable and kept the rest in a special rubbish barrel.

Jonah volunteers to be thrown overboard as a sacrifice to the deep in order for them to survive.

Traditional values and old-fashioned rules of journalism have been thrown overboard in the competitive race for audiences and commercial success.

This area of business is so important that the nuclear nations should throw overboard all thought of evenhandedness.

The remains of the Con federate machinist who was torn to pieces were shoveled into buckets and thrown overboard .

In Nicodemia people were bundled into barges, taken out to sea and thrown overboard .

The vinyl coating on the flight-deck Hueys was peeled off and thrown overboard .


The tragic yachtsman, a Tynesider in his 40s, was washed overboard as he tried to change a sail.

Some of the food had been washed overboard , and the rest would follow or soon be ruined.


And what happened, that a girl should fall overboard ?

But the flare was useless and I tossed it overboard .

I threw the decayed rattan overboard .

One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard to be smothered by the driving spray.

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