I. verb
be deposed/overthrown in a coup (= lose power in a coup )
The Prime Minister was deposed in a coup by the armed forces.
overthrow/topple a regime (= remove it from power )
In 1979, Tanzanian forces overthrew the regime of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.
On March 4, however, 30 soldiers made an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government.
These petitioners were not charged with an attempt to overthrow the Government.
This had been consolidated in power by the end of the fourteenth century, after the one serious attempt to overthrow it.
He had made an attempt to overthrow the eighteenth-century system of materialism and this attempt, with Coleridge's help, succeeded.
They saw their democratically elected president overthrown by a military coup .
He was overthrown in a coup in 1991 and forced to flee the country, but that only fed his popularity.
Ten months after his election, the military overthrew him in a coup .
Cadets from military schools and a force of 1000 cossacks from outside the capital tried without success to overthrow the new government .
A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
The authorities claim they entered to try and overthrow the government .
You failed to do your duty as a soldier and succeeded in overthrowing the most legitimate government the nation has ever had.
But since December, when army enlisted men overthrew the elected government and installed Gen.
These petitioners were not charged with an attempt to overthrow the Government .
At the end of August Kerensky abruptly denounced Kornilov for plotting to overthrow the government .
They were not charged with overt acts of any kind designed to overthrow the Government .
While arguments about equity are important in overthrowing the Thatcher tax regime , they are not the only ones.
The defendants were found guilty of plotting to overthrow the monarchy and threatening the security of the state.
Eighteen months later, Wei resurfaced when charges were brought against him for plotting to overthrow the government.
Another extraordinary tale says that Ra, convinced mankind was plotting to overthrow him, sent Hathor to kill them all.
Although accused of plotting to overthrow the state, they were released in September.
At the end of August Kerensky abruptly denounced Kornilov for plotting to overthrow the government.
The party was no longer trying to overthrow a system it considered unjust; it was running a system it had constructed.
The authorities claim they entered to try and overthrow the government.
What madness had made Edward de Verne try to overthrow the Tudor king and restore a Yorkist line?
a discovery that could overthrow conventional ideas about computing
A small group of military officers overthrew the President in September.
President Kassem was overthrown and murdered in 1963.
The dictatorship was overthrown after a year of fighting, in which thousands of people were killed.
Another extraordinary tale says that Ra, convinced mankind was plotting to overthrow him, sent Hathor to kill them all.
Apparently when the military junta was overthrown Garcia managed to get sent over here through a contact in the embassy.
Early in 1939, Aung San was arrested for conspiring to overthrow the government.
I overthrew your foes, Contrived for Pelias the worst of deaths.
Its objective was to overthrow the Sandinista government.
On his one attempt at a long throw, he overthrew James Jett.
These petitioners were not charged with an attempt to overthrow the Government.
II. noun
He was accused of calling for the violent overthrow of the monarchy.
The First Amendment does not protect conspiracy to advocate the overthrow of the government 45.
He came to power after the overthrow of Haile Selassie.
After Edward II's overthrow in 1326 he was restored and he received back a substantial portion of his estates.
All four had been cashiered following the overthrow of former President Moussa Traore on March 26.
Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world.
The necessary economic and social conditions had been created for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of socialism.
The public has reacted in this way because they felt a great relief at the overthrow of an oppressive and unpopular regime.
They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.
Those who had fought together for the overthrow of Charles I, now bickered amongst themselves.