Meaning of OVIDUCT in English



A third group act as temporary recipients, incubating the newly reconstructed embryos within their oviducts until they reach the blastocyst stage.

Hence the oocytes are flushed out of the oviducts from below-they are not sucked out from above.

Manipulate the oviducts in a plastic Petri dish or glass cavity block on the heated stage of a binocular directing microscope.

Once the oviduct is blocked, it is difficult to treat by surgery or other means.

So is development: first in the oviduct and then in the uterus.

The female bot fly holds her eggs in her oviduct until they have hatched into maggots.

The fertilised eggs are not then laid but remain inside the female's oviduct .

The oocytes are thus washed out of the top of the oviducts, where they are collected in a catheter.

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