Meaning of PA in English





What's more, modern transistor-powered amps and PA systems are just as welcome as valve-driven vintage stuff.

Two players dance to the rap music coming over the PA system .

But, strange to say, Lotus's PA system sounded just as loud.

Another announcement emerged from the PA system , sending more passengers to the gates to have their tickets punched.

A cheery bing-bong-a new addition, the kind of chime you hear in airports-peals out over the PA system .

It had everything we could think of - lights, PA system , lectern and its own generator.

During the interval the absent Burroughs was pumped over the PA system , via a tape supplied by Somerville.

Jokes pour forth from the PA system , and so do hits from the 50's and 60's.


Another announcement emerged from the PA system, sending more passengers to the gates to have their tickets punched.

He once had the impossible job of being PA to Ted Heath in sulphurous exile.

Plus, the excellent PA won't give you hearing loss.

The songs are allowed a life of their own and, dodgy PA permitting, it works splendidly.

There was a hiss over the PA , followed by the chirruping of recorded birdsong.

Two players dance to the rap music coming over the PA system.

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