Meaning of PAID in English


earn/be paid a pittance

The musicians earn a pittance.

paid employment (= a job for which you receive money )

51% of women return to paid employment within 5 years of having a child.

paid in full

The debt must be paid in full .

paid peanuts

The hotel workers get paid peanuts .

paid work

She hasn’t done any paid work since she had children.

paid/unpaid leave

She took three days unpaid leave in order to help her daughter.

paid/unpaid overtime

Many teachers do a lot of unpaid overtime.


all expenses paid

paid in arrears

put paid to sth

But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy.

But Travis McKenna had put paid to that by being particularly vigilant.

Hitler's assault in the summer of 1940 put paid to the agitation for peace negotiations.

It rather put paid to any idea she'd had of motoring around and discovering more of the area though.

Lefkowitz, a classicist and humanities professor at Wellesley College, puts paid to Afrocentric myth-making.

People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time.

This was the cause of his deafness, which put paid to a planned career in the army and in politics.

Yet an inflamed shin almost put paid to Sampras in the first week.

put paid to sth

But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy.

But Travis McKenna had put paid to that by being particularly vigilant.

Hitler's assault in the summer of 1940 put paid to the agitation for peace negotiations.

It rather put paid to any idea she'd had of motoring around and discovering more of the area though.

Lefkowitz, a classicist and humanities professor at Wellesley College, puts paid to Afrocentric myth-making.

People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time.

This was the cause of his deafness, which put paid to a planned career in the army and in politics.

Yet an inflamed shin almost put paid to Sampras in the first week.

sb has paid their debt to society

After 20 years in jail, Murray feels he has paid his debt to society.


It is not known whether the fine was eventually paid .

Most people want to be paid in a valuable, stable currency that is a sound store of wealth.

Since you do not accept paid tobacco advertisements, why did you allow this one?

Some grants are paid directly to the developer; others are paid to the local authority or other public body.

The fees would be paid direct to institutions on students' behalf by local education authorities.

The gambles very often paid off.

They paid a lot of money for me to come here.

Where applicable, a London Weighting Allowance of £1702, £1012 or £160 p.a. will also be paid .

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