Meaning of PALETTE in English



palette knife




Object properties can include font, style type, fill or colour palette .

Look at the right side where the colour palette is displayed.

A user-friendly design environment is provided on the Sun workstation for creating colour palettes and for selecting and adjusting colours.

The program contains 100 colour palettes , each containing eight shades, or colour tones, all of which are infinitely adjustable.


Spread on to the cake drum, blending the colours together with a palette knife to create a sea effect.

Turn over each slice with a palette knife and cook the other side for another 2 minutes.

Remove the pan from the heat, then slide the palette knife round the edge again.

Make little peaks in the sea with the palette knife .

Press it down lightly and smooth over the top with a palette knife .

In one scene Dustin had to tear into one of his canvases with a palette knife .

Leave to dry overnight before gently bending back the waxed paper and lifting off the piped outlines with a palette knife .

These days they range from palette knives , sponges, six inch household paint brushes or fingers.



Even the table that Keeley, the painter, had used as a palette was in its place beneath the sink.

To keep the acrylic workable, I use a stay-wet palette .

So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change.


A very bright, transparent cool green, viridian has a place on many palettes.

Even Calvin Klein adds color, albeit pale, to his usually neutral palette .

Finally, he decided to rest the notebook on his left hip, much as an artist holds his palette .

Object properties can include font, style type, fill or colour palette .

The paint on the palette was still moist because he had kept it under water in a pan in the kitchen.

The range of the artist's palette widened to include cobalt blue, ultramarine, chrome yellow and viridian green.

The surfaces are fresco-like, the pigment dry and chalky, and the palette severely restricted.

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