Meaning of PAPERWORK in English





It was admitted that there were problems in getting both husband and wife to sit down together to complete the necessary paperwork .

Walavalkar said Enron told the government it wanted to complete the paperwork for reviving the project by Feb. 15.

I must emphasise that I was not asked to determine the capacity to give consent, but simply to complete the paperwork .

He completed his paperwork just before dawn on November 6, 1969.

Good humouredly, the group completed the paperwork .


Stayed late to do a bit of paperwork , but not much because I generally try to do it between patients.

I always wanted to do paperwork and have meetings and have an assistant and give her instructions about things I needed done.

The rest of the jobs are done by crew members who help cook, clean, run the library and do paperwork .


I've been buried in paperwork all week.

The car dealer will fill out all of the necessary paperwork on the car.


Bureaucrats simply do not understand why others do not share their passion for paperwork .

I did all my paperwork at night.

Other problems included a forest of controls and paperwork for business.

She coldly responded that that level of donation was not worth the paperwork , and I need not bother.

The business of claiming from a company is becoming wrapped up in more and more paperwork and bureaucracy.

The rest of the jobs are done by crew members who help cook, clean, run the library and do paperwork .

They face a mountain of paperwork designed for the main parties.

Work-inhibited students display poor penmanship and generally turn in sloppy-looking and disorganized paperwork . 18.

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