Meaning of PARANOID in English





That's why they were so paranoid .

And the Colonel was so paranoid about losing control over Presley that he never would let Presley tour without him.

I was so paranoid I even listened at the door.

Aha, Albert thought - spying on me; and then sat on himself for thinking anything so paranoid .

I was so paranoid , at one point in time I was having some emotional problems.

Later she became so paranoid about their power that she had her room searched for bugs.

He got so paranoid he decided to leg it.



The trial was told that he was diagnosed as suffering paranoid schizophrenia .

Attorneys say he may suffer from paranoid schizophrenia .

His dad, Charles, was lovable and devoted, but afflicted with paranoid schizophrenia .

They have told prosecutors Kaczynski may suffer from paranoid schizophrenia , a mental disorder that can cause intricate delusions.

We wonder if she has ever heard of chronic paranoid schizophrenia , and she tells us to be quiet.

They say he also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia , a condition that produces intricate delusions that may have clouded his judgment.


By 1982, he was so paranoid about his health that he wore plastic gloves at all times.

I get a little paranoid around big dogs.

I was so paranoid at one point, that I was refusing to answer the door.

Jason's so paranoid about getting sick that he washes his hands all the time.

The mysterious phone calls were beginning to make him feel paranoid .


A second life drama portrays the predominance of paranoid thinking, reflected in mistrust, suspicion, and jealousy.

Folks in the Police Department are getting paranoid .

In the president's paranoid world there is always a dummy car.

Indeed, depressive traits are more in evidence than paranoid tendencies.

Our aim was not to win every battle, but to confound the enemies and make them paranoid after every encounter.

Today, only one of those Titan missiles remain, a behemoth souvenir from our paranoid past.

You're getting paranoid , that's your trouble.

You get absolutely paranoid about them.

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