He's become the pastor of our class, versed in all the range of human folly and fallibility.
By the time Mayhew was ready to become a pastor , the ministry was beginning to lose its place of honor.
He became pastor of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church.
This had not prevented him from becoming an immensely popular pastor .
Oengo chose to become a pastor , and left his university post without compensation.
By 1992, nearly ten percent of the roughly 19, 300 parishes in the United States were without resident pastors.
In the former, the pastor or bishop or pope dictated terms, and the faithful responded or were punished.
It is a tradition at the University that the chaplains, as pastors and friends, enter fully into student life.
Next the pastor came to the microphone and made announcements in an off-handed, jocular, manner.
Of the pastor , his wife and the baby there had been nothing left but a memory.
The pastor held the pages close to his face and read.
There was no final confrontation with pastor or parishioners, simply a quiet parting.