Meaning of PAYMASTER in English



After it's been dished out the paymasters ride on to take the pay to the men cutting down the forest.

And with no financial paymasters we avoid the compromises.

As paymaster he was responsible for the organization of the finance required in the restoration of the neglected royal palaces.

In a payroll robbery at a shoe factory in South Braintree, Massachusetts, the paymaster and his guard were killed.

It is further evidence that its policies are merely the result of what its paymasters, the trade unions, say.

Like priests, paymasters in the Salomon empire followed a time-honored pattern.

They want to see an end to the image of trade unions as Labour's paymaster and, by implication, policy-maker.

Yet he is a survivor, sticking to his sobering material and plain aesthetic no matter who his paymaster is.

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