payroll tax
The in-house system is an integrated personnel and payroll system and contains current as well as historical absence and employment information.
The payroll system is now run on-line from Chessington via the Government Data Network.
Data are captured partly through the computerized payroll system , and partly by terminal input at regional banks.
Secondly, by the mid-70's the payroll system could no longer be easily enhanced to accommodate new requirements.
Such a program provided Personnel Management with the ability to manipulate data already stored in the payroll system .
Many will already have computerised payroll systems .
Vouchers, top-up insurance, and a payroll tax are also considered but their disadvantages are listed.
This new private account would be imposed atop the current 12. 4 percent payroll tax .
If you reimburse him for it, you make a wage payment subject to payroll taxes . 2.
Payroll taxes get you into trouble, and withheld payroll taxes get you into big trouble.
If you have even a few employees, payroll taxes mount quickly.
Using the payroll tax to finance benefits for the elderly creates what economists know as the tax wedge.
For those above them -- households with over $ 62, 000 -- the payroll tax ceases to grow.
Right now, payroll taxes are bringing in far more each year than the system is paying in benefits.
And seldom does a revolving loan agreement state that the bank must let you pay payroll taxes.
A link with the payroll files was soon established.
Computervision Corp is cutting another 700 jobs to take its payroll to 5,000.
If you have even a few employees, payroll taxes mount quickly.
Suddenly I was spending more time managing my payroll than I was helping my clients.
The 21-day partial shutdown of government that ended last week delayed jobless claims and payroll reports.
The financial administrative functions include budgeting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, payroll and personnel.
They also had the two highest payrolls in the league at roughly $ 50 million each.
Under the programme employers would be required to invest at least 0.5 percent of their payroll in training.