Meaning of PENCHANT in English



A hip-hop beat, more tattoos than a biker bar, and a penchant to take every shot.

He carried his penchant for secrecy to great lengths.

His friendship with Fujimori gives him unusual access to a president with a tiny circle of advisers and a penchant for secrecy.

I miss her intellect, her passion, her courage and her penchant for mainlining our nerves.

Otaka's penchant is for the post-Wagnerian Romantics, particularly Strauss, three of whose works he conducted.

Their defense played superbly, but they still showed an astonishing penchant for careless mistakes.

These two raccoon-eyed psychos have lost none of their no-holds-barred energy or their penchant for writing catchy melodies.

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