Meaning of PENICILLIN in English



Chain had overcome the problems which had defeated every previous experimenter with penicillin , but only on a small scale.

Experimentally, a penicillin focus is created in animals by applying penicillin in very high concentrations directly to the cortex.

Sulfa drugs, penicillin and other antibiotics had not yet been discovered.

The study continued to be funded by the government long after penicillin was available as a cure.

They've found that the death rate among patients treated early with penicillin was nearly half that of those who were not.

Treatment Since the discovery of penicillin , the treatment of syphilis has been revolutionized.

Usually alternative drugs are available when a germ resists penicillin .

You must tell your doctor if you're allergic to certain antibiotics not penicillin , or to rabbits.

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