Meaning of PERHAPS in English



Perhaps I could transfer you to our customer service department.

Perhaps it'll be warmer tomorrow.

Perhaps their biggest problem is that they don't have enough to do.

I wonder if perhaps I offended him somehow.

It was a big space, perhaps 60 by 80 feet.

This has been planned for weeks. Perhaps you can change the other meeting.


But perhaps we can waive our definitions and come to an understanding on the basis of an adjustment in the rent.

If conscience can not turn the tide, perhaps it is the panic of self-interest which will finally do the job.

It was perhaps unfortunate that in verbal controversy with T. H. Huxley he was less careful.

Or perhaps you can redirect already capable people.

Seen at the level of individual choices there is perhaps nothing remarkable about this shift from fringe to mainstream.

The problem can perhaps be addressed from the standpoint of theory.

Well, perhaps it will and perhaps it won't.

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