Meaning of PERITONITIS in English



Having survived peritonitis and a brain haemorrhage on top of an inoperable cancer, who was to speculate?

If the infection is unchecked, peritonitis may follow and gonorrhoea becomes a life-threatening emergency.

It was acute peritonitis , and he was taken back to Wrexham hospital - this time, obviously, as an in-patient.

Kilvert died in Bredwardine of peritonitis 23 September 1879, ten days after their return from the honeymoon.

The patient described by Boustany etal had a cytochrome c oxidase deficiency and a long illness before she eventually died of peritonitis .

This increase in water solubility made possible an invitro incubation test with intraperitoneal pus or fluid from patients with peritonitis .

This test was carried out on six patients with peritonitis , and the severity of bacterial peritonitis was expressed quantitatively.

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