Meaning of PERMANENTLY in English



be permanently scarred

His face had been permanently scarred by smallpox.




The brief period of electrical stimulation of the hippocampal cells had seemingly permanently altered their electrical properties.

How many mind-altering experiences can one man have before his mind is permanently altered ?

The approaches used in these two studies required only a brief period of treatment to permanently alter the course of the disease.


The inner cities no longer respond, because the communities have dissolved or become permanently disfigured.

There is the danger that young people become permanently criminalised.

Hopefully this event will become permanently fixed in Norwich and make the youth proud to come from Norfolk.

Such horses that are locked up in stables without sensory stimulation for a long period will become permanently more anxious and fearful.

In 1825 he became permanently crippled, probably due to poliomyelitis.

If a cell becomes unable to restore its resting charge, it becomes permanently or chronically depolarized and its function is impaired.


Because I lived away from men for so long, part of me is now permanently closed to them.

On August 4, 1927, all five banks were permanently closed .

An enthusiastic letter of recommendation to Krauss would permanently close the door to such a withdrawal.


Doctors say it's too risky to try to operate, but they think Adrian's sight won't be permanently damaged .

I suspect we may have permanently damaged the soils environment.

If the venom strikes his eyes it can temporarily blind him and possibly even permanently damage his sight.

But as my dad reminded me, we were lucky, nothing had been permanently damaged .


Murder; and Theft: dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of it.


In this conception of the social and political world, the established order is not permanently fixed .

His eyes were permanently fixed on the pavement, as though he were searching for something.

Special fabric paint is applied using a stencil brush and then the design is fixed permanently by pressing with an iron.

Indeed, permanently fixed exchange rates could be positively harmful since changing parities can act as a buffer to absorb economic shocks.


Under-sink cupboards and garden sheds should be kept permanently locked.

For 18 months in 1982 and 1983, he had been kept permanently handcuffed in solitary confinement.

This W.E. should allow two troops to be kept permanently up to strength for operations.

A Reference set of all of this material should be kept permanently in the Library.


The cover under this section also includes members of the Policyholder's family living permanently with him.

Would she have to live permanently with the fear that she had failed him?

A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.

Belonging to members of the Policyholder's family living permanently with him/her.

In 1988 the supervision order was quashed and she went to live permanently with her mother.

Surely she would welcome the opportunity to live permanently on the island?


I hope he will not be permanently lost to tennis.


In one form or another Gnosticism has permanently remained an underground concomitant of the church.

It might well be introduced successfully but then remain permanently switched off.

Details of the type of the room, rates and equipment remain permanently in the rack.


Years later, they were sent on to him in Paris, where he decided to settle permanently .

Some probably settled permanently , as Hsu Fu was said to have done at Shingu.

Finally we would like to thank all our neighbours who have consistently supported us in our bid to settle permanently in Passfield.

He was essentially an urban creature; she didn't see him settling permanently other than in a city.


Hardy was permanently banned from professional figure skating.

It's such a dangerous neighborhood that the windows of some stores are permanently barricaded.

The accident has left Hanson permanently disabled.

The accident left him permanently paralyzed.

Thirteen students were permanently expelled from the school.


If the innovation proved successful in the trial institution it was hoped that it would be adopted permanently .

It also ensures that the city is permanently cloaked in a stinking cloud of smoke and dust.

No matter what the claims, no obesity cures to date really work to help people lose weight permanently .

Nynex itself admits is it looking to permanently shed more than 16, 000 full-time jobs.

She had a great square face, with a large jaw, and cheeks that were permanently red.

There was one telescope, however, that was permanently aimed at Earth.

We now spent little time in the house, which seemed permanently cold.

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