gentle persuasion
After a little gentle persuasion , she agreed to go back to her family.
powers of persuasion
She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that the move was a good idea.
We believe it will take more than just gentle persuasion to bring an end to over-specification and waste.
The first victim was packaging buyer,, who agreed, after a little gentle persuasion , to be covered with foam.
Into Water I believe that to conquer fear of water, gentle persuasion is the best tack.
He prides himself on his ability to get along with people of all political persuasions .
In the electronic republic, political manipulation is the other side of the coin of effective political persuasion .
For a party, a layer cake can be iced and decorated to fit the occasion, or according to your political persuasion .
Try problems involving differences in gender, race, religion, political persuasion , national identity, or the like...
And that morning he had used every ounce of political persuasion and outright muscle to twist his colleagues into agreement.
We are young and old, black and white, from every socioeconomic class and political persuasion .
Reducing waiting lists is at the top of all politicians' political agendas, regardless of their political persuasion .
This view, indeed, is shared with scholars of many political and sociological persuasions .
Q: Were you brought up in any particular religious or political persuasion ?
An art critic also needs a gift for persuasion , perhaps rather more than a head for exposition and argument.
We find that a persuasive argument, should we need any further persuasion beyond the plain wording of the Act.
She needed no persuasion to join the party after that.
But 19-year-old model Saffron Domini needed little persuasion to appear in a harrowing film about racism and violence.
This was Endill's first chance to return home and he didn't need much persuasion .
They needed little persuasion to hold a Soviet event and to contribute to the effort and cost of hosting it.
In the fever of Pantisocracy, he needed no persuasion .
Others use all the persuasion they can to draw in recruits.
Andrew Schrack, who posts fliers around the base and uses a little friendly persuasion on his closest co-workers.
Time and again he has used persuasion - and on occasion shock tactics - to try to prevent young girls having abortions.
Penry did use persuasion on Leonora next time they met, but it had nothing to do with becoming her lover.
It took a lot of persuasion to get Dad to agree to the idea.
people of all political persuasions
The fate of the bill in Congress will depend on Brady's powers of persuasion .
The Republican leader used every means of persuasion to get senators to vote against the bill.
They hope to end the conflict using persuasion rather than threats.
Until the law was passed, the agency could only use gentle persuasion to get industries to reduce waste.
And this will take much time and much persuasion .
For Athenian citizens at least, theirs was a society governed by persuasion and consensus as opposed to force and coercion.
He might still have loved her and been capable of persuasion .
Jealous cultural ministers from other lands wonder what nefarious persuasions he used.
Movement leadership requires persuasion , not giving orders.
This view, indeed, is shared with scholars of many political and sociological persuasions.
We are young and old, black and white, from every socioeconomic class and political persuasion .